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Pathways Yoga Retreat

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Pathways Yoga Retreat
Pathways Yoga Retreat


We originally started as a Yoga Retreat. We are in the education sector where people come and live in our house with us, and I train them over 21 days to qualify as Yoga Teachers. We have recently registered as a Non-Profit Company - Children of Unity Foundation. I have been doing online Yoga Nidra mind training with schoolteachers throughout rural Africa to bring into the school curriculum for children, to build self-confidence, will power, belief in themselves and teach them how to manage their thoughts and feelings. We are raising funds to bring the teachers here and do a full 10-day Teachers Training without all the disruptions from the school timetable. Funds are also being used to send students that are not academically motivated to colleges that will develop their unique gifts and talents that will create self-employed citizens in a country with high unemployment rate.

