Please Note That The Municipality Will Be Closed On The 23rd and on the 30th of December 2022. top_banner
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Notices 2022/2023

14 February 2024Section 49 NoticeDownload
29 January 2024Notice for Annual Report 2022-2023Download
09 November 2023Amended Public Notice IDP Mayoral Outreach ProgrammeDownload
08 November 2023Public Notice Mkhambathini IDP Mayoral RoadshowDownload
05 September 2023Public Notice Final IDP BUDGET PMS Process Plan 202425Download
01 August 2023Public-Notice-Draft-Process-202425Download
21 July 2023S45BW-9e23072111290 Download
21 July 2023Remainder of Erf 10 SPLUMA Appeal hearing documentDownload
21 July 2023Remainder of Erf 10 SPLUMA appeal hearing agendaDownload
21 July 2023Remainder of Erf 10 A SPLUMA appeal hearing noticeDownload
21 July 2023Erf 5 of 10 - Zoning Certificate - Residential only detached 1300m2 - 2023.07.21Download
07 June 2023public notice final IDP 2023/2024, SDBIP and budget 2023/2024Download
17 April 2023Re: Invitation to Mkhambathini Local Municipality 2023/2024 Draft IDP and Budget Mayoral IzimbizoDownload
30 March 2023Public-Notice-Draft-IDP-202324Download
01 March 2023Adjustment Budget Advertisement 2022-2023Download
27 January 2023DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT 2021/2022Download
02 August 2022Draft Process Plan Public Notice 202324Download
7 July 2022Budget 2022-2023 Tariffs advertisementDownload
7 July 2022Public Note - Adoption of 2022/2023 – 2026/2027 Final IDP and SDBIPDownload
5 July 2022Mkhambathini Municipality By-Laws PresentationDownload
5 July 2022Mkhambathini Tariff ChargesDownload
5 July 2022WASTE BY-LAW FINAL 22Download